Wait, I didn't mean this post to be philosophical. Just wanted to share with you an online death predictor.
Try it. Its fun!
Here are some of the results myself and my friends got:
"Vidhya Shankar: At age 35 you will become lost during a road trip and wind up living out the movie 'Wrong Turn'. Sorry for ya."
Kalyan*: At age 40 you will die fighting the Interplanetary War on Terrorism on Camp Harmony, Venus.
Ambika*: At age 47 a group of children will text message you continuously for three years, eventually distracting you while driving and causing a fatal wreck; your fatal wreck. (SMS a mixed blessing?!)
Kunal*: At age 72 you will fall into a vat of neutral shoe polish, and your body will never be recovered
Aparna*: At age 69 you will have a heart attack while eating a deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, Elvis style.
Vishal*: At age 70 you will participate in the newest reality game show. Contestants battle each other in an arena with swords and spears. You will have a good run (12+ victories) but eventually be killed, much to the audience's dismay. Go Maximus!
* Names changed to protect privacy
Give it a try and tell me what you got.
PS: If you want a more serious prediction try this
Special thanks to Kunal and Ambika
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